Sarah Collie
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Latest activity by Sarah Collie-
Sarah Collie commented, Official commentHello Adrian, It's hard to diagnose this problem without knowing more about your code and your workspace. Please capture a workspace error log by going to Help > About Crank Storyboard > Installat...
Sarah Collie commented, Hi Sean, Your assumption is correct, event handlers are run on a single thread regardless of what thread registered them. So any handlers that are blocking, like your data change, will block everyt...
Sarah Collie commented, Thanks for the feedback Michael, it was a pleasure working with you as well!
Sarah Collie commented, Official commentAnother way to achieve this color animation is by using the animation create tween functions in Lua and JavaScript, and applying them as custom animation rates. You can read more about this method ...
Sarah Collie created a post, Animating color with the use of an RGB Tween
Using an animation to transition from one color value to another, by default will not animate in the way you expect it. There is an extra step you must take to make sure the color change is smooth....
Sarah Collie created a post, Tutorial: Implementing Focus to navigate and select controls without touch events
Focus is an available parameter for indexing multiple table cells and controls. Utilizing focus is a great way to navigate around a list of objects, whether or not touch-based events are present in...
Sarah Collie created a post, Using Storyboard variables to encourage consistent styling of your UI
Storyboard variables are data bindings that can be found throughout an application and are responsible for enabling dynamic content during runtime. Variables can contain values of properties for re...
Sarah Collie created a post, Validator: Testing using Storyboard IO Events with Data
The release of Storyboard 8.0 marks the first release of Validator. While creating Tests, users are able to inject a Storyboard IO event as a Test Action in a Test Sequence. Current support does no...
Sarah Collie commented, Official commentTo expand on the idea of sending multiple data points using a single 1s0 value, here is an example of using Lua to serialize tables into readable strings. Let's say we have an application that is s...