Managing translations
I'm currently evaluating Storyboard and as most of developpers, I worry about internationalisation.
I've read about translation in your doc but some questions came to me.
Two challenges come when we are talking about translation, taking in account we (developpers) are not going to translate texts by ourself but asking professional translators to do it instead:
- Providing translation which fit the available space.
- Providing translation regarding the actual context.
According to what we can see in Storyboard, maybe you though about that. I mean:
- `clipped` which makes me think that this text could be constrainted to a defined space.
- `description` which makes me think I can provide here information about the context.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to edit these fields and they don't appear in csv database which would be very helpful to inform translators on how to translate them.
Are these fields planned for a future feature or Is there something I didn't understand?
Hi Alain,
thanks for your interesting post. Actually we added some new text translation support and features in Storyboard 6.0 onwards which may help to answer your questions.
There is a new Text Translation view added to Storyboard Designer. Which you can access from Designer via Window->Show View->Text Translation which will show the additional dialog seen below.
Rather than explain in lots of text I put together a short video of a walk-through of this functionality on the desktop.
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