Storyboard Designer
An issue with conflict detection using the Git merge workflow has been fixed.
Text alignment is respected during PSD import.
Images are converted to fills automatically during PSD/Sketch import.
Rotated text is respected during PSD/Sketch import.
Group visibility persists during Sketch import.
Default font name matching for PSD import is improved.
The Sketch import dialog has a better progress indication.
The re-import diff viewer now applies x/y render extension deltas.
Improved wrapped text calculations during PSD import.
Improved name matching when names contain unnecessary whitespace during a PSD import.
PSD import project naming is now consistent with the start screen name.
Thumbnails for animation steps in the animation timeline include the right context if it’s a design state.
The rate property in the animation step property UI is now disabled when it makes sense to do so.
Fixed an issue with animation recorder variable binding in a specific case.
Animation step dragged representation in the timeline is more consistent.
Switching multiple animation steps to ‘A specific value’ no longer overrides them all with the same value.
The editor has a new breadcrumb navigation widget.
Group and table selection in the editor is more intuitive.
Table cell-based animations are supported by the recorder and previewer.
Layer instances xoffset and yoffset appear in the properties view.
Animation steps resolve properly in a Design State context.
Rich text and 3D model render extension changes are supported in the Standalone Comparator.
An issue where component instances would not update properly from the template has been fixed.
A couple of issues with the variables view have been fixed, resulting in more presentation and workflow consistency.
Application resize now works with locked objects in the model.
Toggling the ‘Condensed GAPP Output’ setting now dirties the resource export configuration, prompting a save.
Cleared some memory leaks left behind by a GDE editor.
Recording an animation now works with locked objects in the model.
The Designer comparator now works with the newest EGit versions.
The component editor now has better mouse/drag interaction.
Text along a path now renders properly with alpha in Designer.
Storyboard Engine
UTF8 extended characters are supported in the engine.
Text rotation is supported by the Dave2D render manager.
Text along a path renders consistently between render managers.
Text along a path renders consistently between Designer and Engine.
Text along an arc follows the arc segment properly.
Text spacing is consistent across text drawn on a curve.
Text along a circle renders correctly for all render extension alignments.
Text along a path now takes the circle rotation value into account.
An event is generated following playback completion using the video render extension.
Table resizes have been improved to be significantly less CPU intensive.
Screen transitions occur without intermediate surface allocation. As a result, less memory is used, and animations run during a screen transition.
Capture playback will ignore motion events without a press by default.
24-bit rendering is now fully supported across the board.
Implemented a render manager option for 'always on top' window on desktop platforms.
Gestures no longer trigger inbound/outbound events.
A clipping issue when doing a 3D rotation has been fixed.
The malfunctioning image pool memory cap option has been fixed.
Shaders are precompiled on OpenGL to improve loading times.
A memory leak related to screen drag transitions has been fixed
A memory leak related to the gre.dump_resource() call has been fixed.
OpenGL blending is correct when combining 3D rotation with the clearcolor option.
Lua script initialization is consistent with expectations on VFS configurations.
The simple video render extension will now log a message if the file cannot be played.
Dave2D render manager now supports screen rotation.
Improved the rendering of gradients.
Known Issues
Text Vertical Alignment does not match between editor view and simulator
When using gre.get_string_size, the 'width' parameter is required to use the 'data.spacing' option.
Visible content is not redrawn if a layer has negative y_offset and scrolling is disabled
Alpha value on Gradient Render Extension ignored if on top of black background
Designer considers controls with the same name as duplicates even if on different screens, layers, groups
Using the scale option on Wayland removes transparency
Animation Preview does not show grd.hidden animation step change
Formatting error in performance log graph view
Confusing dialog when pressing simulate on a project with unsaved changes
Refactoring a variable from the Variables view with Application Mode filter enabled doesn't do anything.
Variables View does not show variables from multiple sources when multi-selection is used.
Rotated 9 patch looks different in GL/SW/Designer
Underlines on curved text are incorrectly rendered
Clicking into live edit for text render extensions dirties the GDE editor without having made any changes
Backspace button should not delete items in GDE Model Editor