Storyboard Designer
Component Customization and Use Improvements
Screens can now be freely laid out in the editor provided they do not have design states.
Deep selection has been improved in Designer to filter out hidden items.
Notes view has been moved to the bottom-left from the bottom-right.
The application view in Designer can now filter out hidden items.
Converting controls to a table no longer decreases the height of the controls to get them to fit on the screen.
The app:grd_fps variable is now green when applied to a control.
Tables can now be provided with a list of data to act as a data source.
Text can now be rendered along a path.
Designer now has ”Convert to Scrolling List”, “Convert to Scrolling Table” and “Convert to Scrolling Layer” actions.
Sketch import now imports font files correctly with the latest Sketch version
Image replacement now works as expected during PSD re-import
Seemingly valid Lua files no longer report that there is a syntax error in them
Font mappings are now suggested during import
A font directory can no be specified to pull fonts from for PSD imports
Table property changes are now merged properly
Other files are now stored properly in the export configuration
A screen working set can now be applied to projects
Command-line export and exporting from Designer now more closely align for folder contents
All event variables are now showing in IO Connector
The TCP IO Connector will now reconnect after application restart
Storyboard Engine
There is now a Unicode plugin for Lua for the runtime.
Text can now be rotated arbitrarily everywhere.
The warning messages for the animations are now consistent.
The 32-bit to 16-bit blending operations have been optimized in the software render manager.
The software render manager draw glyph call has been optimized to perform better.
The rich text render extension now allows the ‘<’ character to be escaped.
The clear_rect, fill_rect, and stroke_rect canvas calls now default to the canvas rect if no arguments are provided to the call.
OpenGL no longer leaves visual artifacts when scrolling content
There is now a lightweight video render extension available to users of Storyboard
Pre-compiled Lua files are now loaded as read-only modules, saving on memory
There is now a -omodel_mgr,project_root=<path> option to support using VFS with filesystem configurations
Ellipses no longer appear incomplete in the runtime
The runtime will now properly enforce the resource_mgr,images=-1 option and clean out images after they have been drawn
Memory is now released when unloading GIF resources
The engine now supports multiple resource roots when using the VFS filesystem
Known Issues
Our custom shader injection is not handling the use case of individually indexing gl_FragColor
Performance Visualization: Starting and stopping performance logging looks strange in redraw graph
LUA Debugger: Linux Simulator does not properly launch debug server
Animation pause/resume/stop should match name and id, right now ID takes precedence
Custom Font Appears Squished in Designer
The animation recorder does not track variable creation
Outline View missing functions when viewing Lua Script
Support FBX files with multiple animations stored in a single take
ios render_mgr does not support multisampling
Setting scale to aspect has the wrong offset
GREIO creation failures should be logged if verbosity is on
Delta Animations on alpha, width, height are artificially limited by the type co-ersion
Change in table 3D rotation attributes is not reflected in storyboard