Storyboard supports a number of standard actions which are built-in to the framework. These actions are all prefixed with gra.
and can be incorporated into your application design without any plugin dependency.
This action is used to begin or to stop capture of a capture-playback file using the capture-playback plugin. Only one capture-playback file may be captured at a time.
The action arguments are:
- Capture
True to begin capture
False to stop capture
- Filename
The name of the file to capture the events
Change or create a variable value in the data manager.
The action arguments are key/value pairs such that the key is the fully qualified model path for the variable and the value is the new value to assign to that variable. For more information on creating the model paths, see the Data Variables section of this document.
Use the GRE logging mechanism to output a message.
The action argument is the string message that should be output.
Enter low-power mode. Transitioning to this state will pause all currently running animations and timers and disable subsequent redraws. Animations that are already paused will be flagged so they can remain paused after leaving low-power mode.
Exit low-power mode. Un pause any animations and timers that were paused when entering low-power mode and resume the rendering loop.
This action is used to begin or to stop playback of a capture-playback file using the capture-playback plugin. The plugin currently only supports the playback of one file at a time.
The action arguments are:
- Playback
True to begin playback
False to stop playback
- Filename
The name of the file to playback
- Loop
The number of times to loop playback
- Quit
Send a quit message when finished
Remove a resource which is managed by the resource manager.
The action arguments are:
- pool
The pool name containing the resource to dump
- ref
The name of the resource to dump
The currently defined resource pools are image
containing all of the images and font
containing all of the fonts associated with the Storyboard application.
Cause a screen transition to occur by replacing the current screen with the new one.
The action arguments are:
- screen
The name of the screen to transition to.
Causes a screen transition to occur by fading the old screen into the new one.
The action arguments are:
- screen
The name of the screen to transition to.
- rate
Animation rate string that defines how the alpha value will change over the transition:
linear easein easeout easeinout bounce - fps
The frames per second to use for the transition
- duration
The duration of the transition in milliseconds
Move the current focus to the next control in a direction.
The action arguments are:
- min
The minimum focus index to move to or -1 to have no minimum value
- max
The maximum focus index to move to or -1 to have no maximum value
- direction
The direction to search for the next focusable control
up down left right
In order for this action to complete successfully, there must be a control whose focus index lies between the min and max values. For more information about making controls focusable and the focus operation in Storyboard, refer to the Focus section in the Execution Pipeline part of this document.
Set the focus to a specific control.
The action arguments are:
- index
The focus index to set the focus to. If the control name is to be used instead of specific focus index value then this value should be set to -1 to avoid confusion about the intent of the action.
- control
The name of a control to set the focus to.
Only one of either the index or the control need to be provided for this action. If both arguments are set, then the index value will be used.
In order for this action to complete successfully, the control specified must be set as focusable. For more information about making controls focusable and the focus operation in Storyboard, refer to the Focus section in the Execution Pipeline part of this document.
Move the current focus to the next focusable control.
The action arguments are:
- min
The minimum focus index to move to or -1 to have no minimum value
- max
The maximum focus index to move to or -1 to have no maximum value
In order for this action to complete successfully, there must be a control whose focus index lies between the min and max values. For more information about making controls focusable and the focus operation in Storyboard, refer to the Focus section in the Execution Pipeline part of this document.
Move the current focus to the previous focusable control.
The action arguments are:
- min
The minimum focus index to move to or -1 to have no minimum value
- max
The maximum focus index to move to or -1 to have no maximum value
In order for this action to complete successfully, there must be a control whose focus index lies between the min and max values. For more information about making controls focusable and the focus operation in Storyboard, refer to the Focus section in the Execution Pipeline part of this document.
Release a held screen. If a screen was damaged during the period of time that the screen was being held, then a redraw action will be triggered.
Stop the scrolling momentum of an object (layer or table)
The action arguments are:
- object
The object whose scrolling should stop. This should be the fully qualified name of a layer instance, or the name of a table.
Send an event to the application's input event queue. This action is equivalent to injecting an event via Storyboard IO or using the Lua gre.send_event()
The action arguments are:
- event
The name of the event to send
Navigates the cells of a table, sets the active cell which in turn generates the cell focus events. If the new active cell is not visible the table will be scrolled in order to show this cell.
The action arguments are:
- control
The name of the table control to scroll. May be a comma separated list if multiple tables are specified.
- fps
The frames per second rate at which to scroll the table, 0 performs an immediate scroll.
- duration
The duration in milliseconds to run the scroll over, 0 scrolls it immediately.
- direction
The type of navigation to perform
- set
Sets the active row and column to what is specified in the row/col parameters. The option only ensures that the cell is visible and does not guarantee the cell will be at the top of the visible list.
- next
Move to the next cell, scroll by column then by row
- prev
Move to the previous cell, scroll by column then by row
- up
Move to the cell above the current one
- down
Move to the cell below the current one
- left
Move to the cell to the left of the current one
- right
Move to the cell to the right of the current one
- home
Move to the first cell in the table at row,column 1,1
- end
Move to the last cell in the table
- row
The row to navigate to. This is only used if
is assignedset
- col
The column to navigate to. This is only used if
is assignedset
Set the number of rows and columns for a table. This action does not resize the control, simply the number of cells contained within the virtual table.
The action arguments are:
- control
The name of the table control to resize.
- rows
The number of rows for the table. Specifying 0 will leave the current number of rows unchanged.
- columns
The number of columns for the table. Specifying 0 will leave the current number of columns unchanged.
When the table is resized, a gre.table.resize
event will be emitted.
Scroll the content of one or more tables.
Only one table scroll animation can be run at a time. Storyboard Engine will cancel the currently running table scroll animation by snapping to the end of the animation and then it will trigger the new table scroll animation.
The action arguments are:
- control
The name of the table control to scroll. May be a comma separated list if multiple tables are specified.
- row
The absolute 1 based row to start the scroll from. The default, 0, indicates that scrolling should start from the current row
- col
The absolute 1 based column to start the scroll from. The default, 0, indicates that scrolling should start from the current column
- delta_row
The number of rows to move. A positive value moves the table down a negative value moves the table up
- delta_col
The number of columns to move. A positive value moves the table right a negative value moves the table left
- fps
The frames per second rate at which to scroll the table.
- duration
The duration in milliseconds to run the scroll over.
The toggle action can be used for any situation where the next value can be determined based on the current value. This is frequently used for functionality such as checkboxes or buttons.
This action works by targeting a variable and when invoked, the value of that variable is determined and compared against a series of potential values. If a match is found, the variable’s value is set to the next value in the sequence. If no value matches, the first value in the series is used.