Emitted when the time has been updated.
Data: "4u1 time_elapsed 1s0 channel_name"
unsigned time_elapsed char channel_name[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME_LEN + 1]
- time_elapsed
The time that has elapsed during play back
- channel_name
The name of the channel that this time event occurred on
Emitted when a change in the duration of the media is detected.
Data: "4u1 total_time 1s0 channel_name"
unsigned total_time char channel_name[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME_LEN + 1]
- total_time
The total duration of the current media file
- channel_name
The name of the channel that this time event occurred on
Emitted when the player has changed state, between a paused and playing state.
Data: "1s33 channel_name 1s0 state"
char channel_name[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME_LEN + 1] char state[1]
- channel_name
The name of the channel that is changing state
- state
The new state: “paused” | “playing”
Triggered when the named media has played to the end and stopped playing
Data: "1s33 channel_name 1s0 media_name"
char channel_name[MAX_CHANNEL_NAME_LEN + 1] char media_name[1]
- channel_name
The name of the channel that has completed playback
- media_name
The name of the media stream that completed playback
The simple video playback generates a complete event that is aligned with the media plugin’s events.
The difference here is in the interpretation of the channel_name and media_name parameters. In this case, the channel_name field is filled in with the fully qualified name of the control that is playing the video, and the media_name field is filled in with the fully qualified name of the filename that is being played.
This event is generated at the successful conclusion of the playback of the entire media file. If the file is looping then an event will be created on each iteration. If the file is changed mid-stream from playing one file to another file then the completion event will not be generated.