Storyboard Designer
Add new product to Designer which is called Storyboard Validator
Added the ability to rem0te launch a Storyboard project on a target
A new JavaScript Debugger has been added to Storyboard Designer
There is a new JavaScript editor included with Storyboard Designer
The Storyboard Designer editor has been overhauled to allow users to focus on the parts of the UI they are editing
Storyboard toolbar has been revamped to move toolbar items into the views that they work with
The initial Storyboard designer perspective has been cleaned up so it is less noisy
There is a resource export configuration option to generate a static string map for C Header exports
Added the ability to detect component changes outside of the component editor
Storyboard IO event export now supports Lua and JavaScript output
There are now variables for the wrap values on tables
The default perspective view in Designer has been cleaned up
There is now an option to export the static string pool as part of the header file export
Copy path on a layer now includes the screen name
SCP transfer now transfers the runtime with the project to the target
The version of Eclipse that Designer is based on has been updated to 2022-12
Media actions have been added to Designer
Fixed the number of images that are rasterized in SVG export
Sketch now consolidates images on import
Fixed an issue with importing new screens with Sketch import
The metrics view will now show user-added runtimes
Shift-X in the application view will no longer unexpectedly change the selection
Changing the z-order in components will now update instances
The windows standalone exe exporter is no longer available on Mac platforms
Edits to named data changes now save properly
Updating component instances no longer overwrites unchanged variables
Metrics view now updates values based on runtime selection
Fixed PSD-Reimport issue where certain controls could get missed
PSD-Reimport now performs image to fill correctly
SVG’s now default to the correct size
Resizing the TheatreKiosk application no longer results in NPE
Multi selection now works properly in the editor
File system font dialog now works properly during PSD/Sketch import
Storyboard Engine
Added support for static string maps for MCU platforms
Storyboard engine now supports JavaScript actions
There is a new Storyboard IO wrapper API that helps write Storyboard IO interfaces
Shaders can now be loaded using the load resource call in Lua
Neo-Chrome render manager support added
Lua gre.mstime() now includes sub-millisecond precision
There are now variables for the wrap values on tables
The software render manager now has a callout to check for a screen refresh
The engine string pool now supports a static string map
Added NON-BLOCK flag for TCP/IO SBIO connections
Fixed issue in metric_update_fps_listener that could cause a potential crash
Fixed an issue where fonts were not rendering for the CoffeeApp on the STM32H7B3
Absent polygon dash patterns no longer create a parse warning
4-, 2-, and 1-bit fonts now render correctly when using SBFont font manager
Delta screen fade transition now works
Log timestamps are now formatted correctly when increasing by 1/10th of a second
The failed to load model message now contains more information
Polygon dash pattern of 0,0 no longer crashes the engine
Layers that are copied can now enabled scrolling
SBLua no longer closes files twice
GIF animations no longer run flat out on targets
Red and blue channels are no longer swapped in the VGLite render manager
Lua touch implementation now generates events in the correct order
Non-blocking reads no longer generate error when using TCP/IP
Fix the quality of SVG rendering
JavaScript API is not a 1 to 1 mapping of the Lua API. This is in part due to removing some legacy functions and also due to some limitations in the Duktape JS engine. Contact support for more information
A file needs to be added to projects to support JS autocomplete. Talk to support about getting this file
Validator channel names are currently hardcoded
Deleting and undo a test has some focus issues
JavaScript breakpoint view will show all breakpoints in the workspace and not just the project ones
"Type" dropdown menu in the 'Notes' tab for Validator is transparent on Linux which affects readability
Opening a TestDefinitionRun opens new editor every time
Events emitted from an event are sent twice in test playback
Region select lags behind cursor during capture region when creating a validator test
Validator should warn/prevent user from creating duplicate validator test name
Playback panel should count down the wait time when we are processing a timed wait
Copy/Pasting animation steps places step in unexpected place
No need to create swim lanes in GDEModelEditor when in screen context
Flick Scrolling Animation Continues Even When Interrupted
Deleting a Test Run from the Results View should close open editor for that run
Add new option to text field overflow selection (ellipses at left edge of string instead of right)
History View shows CompoundCommands with single command as "Multiple Commands"
sbengine does not exit if passed an non-existent DISPLAY on x11
When making a selection in the Application Model view, the breadcrumb in the edi tor disappears on the press down (Mac Only)
SCP export presets should be removable
After SCP transfer, the dialog shows path with backslashes