
canvas.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)

Fill a rectangle defined by the bounding area of x1,y2 to x2,y2 with a specific color.

    x1            The x position of the first corner
    y1            The y position of the first corner
    x2            The x position of the second corner
    y2            The y position of the second corner
    color         An RGB color value as an integer value

//Draw three colored bars across the canvas
function fillRGB(name) {    
    var canvas = sb.getCanvas(name);    
    var rw = canvas.width / 3;    
    canvas.fillRect(0, 0, rw, canvas.height, 0xff0000);    
    canvas.fillRect(rw, 0, 2*rw, canvas.height, 0x00ff00);    
    canvas.fillRect(2*rw, 0, 3*rw, canvas.height, 0x0000ff);
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