
canvas.strokeArc(x, y, radius_x, radius_y, start, end, rotation, color)

Draw a stroked arc defined by the center position (x,y), with x radius radius_x, y radius radius_y, start and end angles (start, end), rotation angle rotation, and with the color color. It fills the shape you get by connecting each end of the arc to the center of the ellipse with a straight line.

    x             The x position of the center of the arc
    y             The y position of the center of the arc
    radius_x      The radius in the x direction
    radius_y      The radius in the y direction
    start         The start angle of the arc in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis
    end           The end angle of the arc in degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis
    rotation      The rotation angle in degrees clockwise
    color         An RGB color value as an integer value

// Draw a dashed circle on the canvas with the color red
function dashedCircle(name) {    
    var canvas = sb.getCanvas(name);        
    var x = size.width / 2;    
    var y = size.height / 2;    
    var r = size.width / 6;    
    canvas.lineWidth = 0.1 * r;    
    for(var a = 0; a < 330; a = a+30) {        
        canvas.strokeArc(x, y, r, r, a, a + 20, 0, 0xff2244);    
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