
canvas.drawImage(name, attrs)

Draw an image within the canvas directed by the user-specified properties.

    name          The project-relative name of the image, the same as used in the image render extension
    attrs         An object of variables containing information about how to draw the image. This object can contain the 
                  following optional variables:
                        x                The x position of the upper left corner of the text (default: 0)
                        y                The y position of the upper left corner of the text (default: 0)    
                        w                The width to scale the image to (default: natural width)
                        h                The height to scale the image to (default: natural height)
                        rotation         The angle of rotation in degrees (default: 0). This rotation point is around the upper left corner of the image.
                        halign           The horizontal anchor, sb.LEFT, sb.CENTER, or sb.RIGHT (default: sb.LEFT)
                        valign           The vertical anchor, sb.TOP, sb.CENTER, or sb.BOTTOM (default: sb.TOP)

// Draw an image scaled to the canvas size
function drawImage(name) {    
    var canvas = sb.getCanvas(name);    
    var attrs = {w : canvas.width, h : canvas.height};    
    canvas.drawImage("images/logo.png", attrs);
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