The Validator Test Results view can be used to compare results from different test runs to the reference results. The view is located in the center of the perspective at the bottom. Here is how it appears:
The view contains the reference references for the tests that have been created in the project. To see a comparison of the test results to the references, double click on a test run entry in the Test Results view, this will open up the test result editor:
The test result editor will highlight differences between the test result and the test reference. In the case of images, the differences will be highlighted with a red rectangle.
To accept a failed test result as the new acceptable result reference for a test, simply right click on the test result and choose update reference result. Results can be updated one at a time or by accepting all failed results as the new reference results.
In Validator, certain operations will trigger the automatic refresh a test result:
Updating test references
Changing tolerance/threshold/exclusion regions
Locking a test run allows the results to remain unchanged when changes are made to the test definition or test references. Validator may open a dialog to give the user an opportunity to unlock any locked test runs before some operations. Test runs are not required to be unlocked in those situations, however they will not join the unlocked test for the update.To lock or unlock a test run, in the Test Results View, select a test run and right-click.
A test report can be generated for a specific test run so that it can be shared as either a PDF or an HTML file. To generate the report, right-click on the test run that should be exported:
The following dialog will pop-up:
Once the dialog has been filled out, click on the "Finish" button to generate the report.
When the duplicate test artifact cleanup tool button is selected from the Test Results View, the test artifact cleanup will present the following dialog:
As tests are run many times, the test result directory may end up with many duplicate files. The Test Artifact Cleanup tool will help free up disk space by consolidating duplicate images.