Validator is a solution for testing Storyboard developed user interfaces. The primary goal for Validator is to save developers time, Storyboard developers no longer need to hand code and design a framework to test Storyboard user interfaces.
It combines some existing functionality from Storyboard that has existed for many years such as event capture/playback and screen capture capabilities into an easy to use test tool.
Validator offers a test recording tool which allows testers to create tests with reusable sequences of actions and test points to perform during playback. At the moment, there are two types of test points, data capture and image capture (screen/rect/fqn) each of these produce resources known as test artifacts. During a test recording the artifacts generated by test points will be saved as reference artifacts, which are meant to represent the 'correct' result of a test point.
Once a test has been created, it can be played back on demand, test points will generate artifacts which will be compared with the reference artifacts. As an application or tests change, reference artifacts may need to be updated in order to realign the expectations and reality, this can be done using the test result viewer.
All the files for Validator are stored in your Storyboard application project under the tests/ directory. The test definitions are stored in a file called tests.sbv, this file contains all the tests, sequences and actions used.