Jamie Villeneuve
Using a mask in Storyboard
The question about using a mask in Storyboard has come up a couple of times with our customers and prospects. Here is a quick example of how to incorporate a mask with an arc in your Storyboard pro...
Application Theming in Storyboard
There are several different approaches that you can take for dynamically changing the theme of your Storyboard application. * You can manage a list of variables that will be affected by the theme a...
Storyboard 7.2 - Now Available
Storyboard Designer Text alignment is respected during PSD import. Images are converted to fills automatically during PSD/Sketch import. Rotated text is respected during PSD/Sketch import. Group v...
Dynamic QR Code Generation
Hello, Here is a nifty little Lua library http://speedata.github.io/luaqrcode/ that, when you hand it a string, will return a table of positive or negative values that describe a qrcode. This data ...
Rotary dial knob control example
Here is an example of a rotary knob style control similar to that of a volume or mixer control. With this control, the inner image is rotated around its' center axis and in this case, the angular p...
Figma & Storyboard
Currently, Storyboard (SB) does not have Figma integration (as of April 2022). But this does not mean that if you are a Figma house you cannot use Storyboard, you just need to plan for how you will...
LOG4J Java utility
Hello,There is no use of the LOG4J Java utility within the Storyboard Engine or any embedded target runtimes. These are C based programs with no Java use at all. Storyboard Designer, written in J...
Controlling the memory usage within your application
Question: We are using a "flipbook" style animation with 48 frames and are encountering spikes where we run out of RAM. I would like to get some information about how the resources are loaded in St...
Touch input on an iMX8M
I just wanted to share an issue I encountered running Storyboard on an iMX8M with the latest NXP (Release Distro 5.4-zeus imx8mqevk bsp) BSP and how to resolve it. It seems that the Lilliput monito...
Mapping Resources - MCU
Question: We need a bit deeper understanding on Flash Memory allocation. As we are using STM32H757 with FreeRTOS, we had enabled External QSPI Flash to put the application’s assets onto it and Int...