Communication Storyboard with Backend on Torizon
I would like to build a storyboard application with a backend (C/C++) on Torizon.
I can already run a sample application and my own application inside a container on Torizon. But now I would like to extend this with a C++/C backend, which can also be debugged. So far I haven't found a suitable way to do this; or only ways with restrictions.
Can someone give me a tip ?
Hi Daniel,
For communicating with third-party applications, device drivers, etc. you would use our Storyboard IO (SBIO) API.
Here are a couple of resources for you ...
Connecting to a Storyboard Application – Crank Software
Sending Events to a Storyboard Application – Crank Software
Receiving Events from a Storyboard Application – Crank Software
Storyboard IO Feature and Tutorial - YouTube
The application referenced in the video, Thermostat IO, can be found in the Storyboard Samples directory if you would like to follow along.
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