Document/PDF Viewer
Is it possible to view a PDF or other document within a Storyboard app? Or, is it possible to use a third-party application to open and view a document?
We have support documents that we would like the user to see on the touchscreen interface.
We do not support a PDF viewer out of the box. But have done PDF support for customers in the past via custom engineering. Depending on what needs to be displayed, most customers get by using our rich text render extension included with Storyboard. The rich text render extension allows the user to use a subset of HTML/XML tags to define the text formatting.
Working with Text – Crank Software
There is also a rich text sample shipped with SB that you can take a look at ... File -> import -> Storyboard Development ->Storyboard Sample -> RichText
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the quick response and suggestions.
I think the Rich Text option will work for us.
I have more are less the same issue. I looked at the manual and it seems that adding images to the text is not possible with the "Rich Text" control.
Is there a way to display text which includes images?
Hello Martin Glueck,
What kind of images are you trying to include? Are they small icon sized images or much larger?
We want to include a spare part manual. So the images are bug, around 480x320
From what it sounds like, at this time your best bet would be to use a mix of Rich Text and controls with the standard Image render extensions.
You could basically define a sort of "template" in your application that handles the layout side of things and then just populate the text and images with the appropriate data and formatting.
Ok thats is what in mind as well.
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