First example on Raspberry PI 4 and HDMI monitor.
I'm having a hard time getting any example running on an Raspberry Pi 4b. I've followed the tutorial as much as possible, but I understand the rendering for the 4 is different. My setup is the Pi, connected to a HDMI monitor. I was able to follow the tutorial until the topic "Step 4: Fix-up shared library dependencies for runtime". I'm not sure what libraries to use. Also, since I'm not using a touch screen, I guess I should skip the touchscreen configuration.
I've imported two engines to /usr/share/crank/runtimes
So my runtimes folder looks like this:
I've also copied the .sh file as instructed
#!/bin/bash killall sbengine echo "Starting Storyboard from SCP..." echo 0 >> /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink echo -e '\033[9;0]' >> /dev/tty1 echo 0 >> /sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank dmesg -D cat /dev/zero > /dev/fb0 export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/touchscreen0 export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/run/media/mmcblk0p1/pointercal export ENGINE=/usr/share/crank/runtimes/linux-raspberry-armle-opengles_2.0-GST01-obj export SB_PLUGINS=/usr/share/crank/runtimes/linux-raspberry-armle-opengles_2.0-GST01-obj/plugins export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/share/crank/runtimes/linux-raspberry-armle-opengles_2.0-GST01-obj/lib $ENGINE/bin/sbengine -vvvv -omtdev,device=/dev/input/event0 -orender_mgr,scale,multisample=0 $1
scp -> /usr/share/crank
I've configured the exported as instructed on
when trying to run an example project, I get a black screen instead of the terminal on the monitor, and if I try to change anything and run again, I get an error saying export is already in progress:
I've obviously done something wrong. And I haven't even touched the actual GUI yet, as I'd like to test deployment before designing. Has anyone run into something similar? If so, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Thiago,
the steps in the Raspberry Pi 3B process were based on an older Debian Stretch based release of Raspberry Pi OS so there may be some differences with newer Pi OS distros, especially 64 bit.
For us to investigate this we will need a little more information. Which Pi OS release are you using?
Please can you try 2 things:
First you can check what Storyboard is reporting on startup from your script by increasing the debug trace verbosity that will be output to the Pi Linux console. You can do this easily by adding the sbengine option '-vvvv' to the launcher script though it looks like you have already done this:
Can you capture this output and share it on this thread or preferably with us via email as a support ticket. Just email or using our online support chat which will create a case for you.
Second is that you may be getting an error if the desktop process is still running, perhaps if your Pi OS has the full feature build. You can try stopping this this lightdm process from running before launching Storyboard:
The Storyboard process does not run in a window, rather instead it expects to be the display master and own the screen surface so if other graphical processes have started before sbengine then they will lock-out Storyboard.
Let us know your feedback.
Hi Thiago,
I missed addressing your last point regarding SCP in my reply - apologies.
I assume that you are using our latest Storyboard 7.0 release for your testing when you are deploying the model to the target and getting 'the transfer in progress' error. We are aware of this issue and a fault log has already been raised and it looks to be related to one of the third party eclipse plugin libraries that we use in Storyboard Designer. We are investigating this currently to find a fix.
It appears that this can work correctly only the first time it is used from the Storyboard IDE but then does not return correctly leaving the connection open.
You can still deploy over the network using SCP but instead do this manually as a workaround which is pretty simple.
Step 1: Export to filesystem (instead of SCP)
Which will export the .gap file locally on your PC:
Step 2: Manually copy Storyboard application model and assets to target
Then simply copy the entire folder (including fonts,images, scripts..) to the target board location using your scp client eg: WinSCP... to your scp folder on the Pi under /user/share/crank/scp
Once on the target you can run the launcher script from the remote Linux console on your Pi which should also print out all of the diagnostic debug information mentioned earlier.
You need to pass the name and path of the .gapp file as the argument to the script file ( this becomes variable $1 in the .sh script ) eg:
Hopefully this will help get you up and running.
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