Having Sketch Import feature in Windows version
It is required to have a mac to fully benefit from the 7.0 version, limits teams members working with windows version of crank to experience have faster import in click of a icon.
Proposal - To have the sketch import and reimport in the windows application also.
Hi Nandhini.
Due to the Sketch application itself, this is unfortunately not going to happen. Designer Sketch import has a strict dependency on the Sketch application because of constraints Sketch has on manipulation of their files. As such, since Sketch is proprietary Mac software, so is the import feature.
The inconvenience to Windows users is unfortunate, but this is unlikely to ever change.
Thank for confirming that the feature won't be available in Windows.
Are there any limitation for 7.0 Crank Application be working in the latest M1 of mac processor ?
Hi Nandhini,
That is something that is currently being tested. We will get back to you shortly with an answer.
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