Modifying a Control's Touch Bounds
Some users have encountered the scenario where they wish to expand the area where the control can be interacted with, but without modifying the content of the control. Some have resolved this by expanding the area in their Photoshop file. But this is actually quite simple to accomplish directly within Storyboard.
Take this Media button for example:
We can see the current touch bounds as indicated by the handles. Notably, this area is exactly the size of the content it contains. But let’s say we wanted this area to be bigger so the user doesn’t have to be so exact with their input when interacting with it.
In this case we can simply modify the control’s dimensions:
In some instances, if your content is being scaled to the dimensions of the control then you will want to disable this and uncheck Match Control Width and Match Control Height under the Render Extension’s Position tab. You may also need to specify X, Y position values. This way the render extension’s dimensions are independent of the Control’s dimensions.
This isn’t to say the approach of adding a new layer to the control in Photoshop is incorrect in any way; it’s perfectly valid. This is just a simple way to perform this within Storyboard.
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