Running Storyboard on Torizon in a Container



Run a Weston Container

Run the Storyboard Container


Crank Software has created a Storyboard Container for Torizon and uploaded it to Docker hub. Some of the advantages of using containers are as follows:

  • You can keep applications independent

  • Use different runtimes

  • Encapsulate application dependencies in the container

  • Maintenance and deployment is easier


  • Toradex SOM with Torizon installed

    • As of writing this article, you will want to enable the continuous feeds from Toradex in the Easy installer.

    • 360042053572-Continuous-Integration.png
    • Install the unofficial Torizon with Docker runtime image.

    • 360042053971-LatestTorizonWithDocker.png
    • Depending on your display you may need to enable it with some device tree overlays. Follow the documentation here.

  • (helpful) Basic understanding of Docker anddocker runcommand options

Run a Weston Container

The Storyboard container has been built to interface with Weston, so we need to launch the Weston interface. Fortunately, this has been built into a handy container that can be downloaded and run.

Open a shell connection to the Torizon system (serial or ssh).

$ ssh torizon@<ip address>

Now you can launch run the Weston Container.

$ docker run -d -it --restart=always --privileged -v /tmp:/tmp torizon/arm32v7-debian-weston:buster weston-launch --tty=/dev/tty7 --user=root

Note: This command will download the container and then run it, once it’s downloaded it will launch directly

Validate that the container is running by typing the following command

$docker ps

CONTAINER ID       IMAGE                                 COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS          PORTS       NAMES
2911ace7f39f       torizon/arm32v7-debian-weston:buster  "/usr/bin/ w…" 14 minutes ago      Up 14 minutes               wizardly_jepsen

Run the Storyboard Container

Now we can run the Storyboard container working with the Weston interface. This has been configured to leverage the OpenGL hardware acceleration on the platform.

docker run -it --privileged -v /home/torizon/crank/scp:/usr/crank/scp -v /dev:/dev -v /tmp:/tmp cranksoftware/torizon_imx6:6_1

This container has been built to automatically launch one of our medical demo applications using the Crank Storyboard 6.1 release.

The following video shows the walkthrough of these steps and how you can deploy your own custom application using Storyboard.

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