Learn how to flash the pre-built CoffeeApp.hex demo to the CM7 core of the STM32H745i-Discovery board, and how to program the CM4 core of STM32H745.
Link:Demo Image
Image Name: CoffeeApp.hex
Rendering Technology: Chrom-ART Graphic Acceleration
Demo Resolution: 480 x 272
Operating System: FreeRTOS
STM32H745-Discovery board
USB cable
This demo image includes the following demos:
Coffee Application
Please ensure that JP8 pins 1 & 2 are jumper-ed, in order for the STLink USB cable to supply power to the STM32H745i-Discovery board.
The location of where this archive is located is referred to as:
The ST-Link application provides high-level support for STM processors and board components. If a board lockup or additional Flash tools are required Install the ST-Link application from the ST-Micro website.
STM32 ST-Link Utilities include:
STM32 ST-Link Utiltity v4.4.0.0 (or higher)
STLinkUSBDriver.dll v5.1.1.0 (or higher)
ST-Link_CLI.exe v3. 4.0.0 (or higher)
Follow the installation instructions provided with this application.
The package comes with a prebuilt CoffeeApp.hex demo image that can be flashed to the STM32h745i-Discovery board. It is located in the directory:
To flash the CoffeeApp.hex demo image to the board:
Plug the STM32H745i-Discovery board into your host machine using the USB cable. The host machine should recognize the USB Device as an ST-Link 3.0 USB debugger.
Start the ST-Link application.
From the main menu, Click “External Loader” -> “Add External Loader”. Select Checkbox for MX25L512G_STM32H745i-Disco”, and click the Validate button.
From the Main Menu, Click “Target”->”Program…”, this will open a Download dialog box. Click “Browse” and select the <STM32F_DEMO_IMAGE>/CoffeeApp.hex file. Once loaded, Click “Start” to program the target with the pre-built image.
The STM32H745 contains two ARM Cores. The second CM4 Core is typically a Slave Core of the CM7 and needs to be placed in a known state in order to not interfere with the CM7. Programming of the CM4 is only required once, and should not need to be repeated if other CM7-only images are flashed.
The package comes with a prebuilt CM4.hex image that can be flashed to the
STM32h745i-Discovery board. It is located in the directory:
To flash the CM4.hex demo image to the board:
Plug the STM32H745i-Discovery board into your host machine using the USB cable. The host machine should recognize the USB Device as an ST-Link 3.0 USB debugger.
Start the ST-Link application.
From the Main Menu, Click “Target”->”Program…”, this will open a Download dialog box. Click “Browse” and select the <STM32F_DEMO_IMAGE>/CM4.hex file. Once loaded, Click “Start” to program the target with the pre-built image.
The STM32H745-Discovery board should be up and running the CoffeeApp.hex running on the CM7 with the CM4.hex. If you require further assistance please contact support@cranksoftware.com or visit https://support.cranksoftware.com.